Villa of Hope School is a part of the Villa of Hope organization, serving the community for more than 75 years. Villa of Hope has been helping youth and their families regain control over lives that seem like they are lost. With the help of a team of fiercely dedicated staff members, you can REBUILD relationships, RECOVER the potential that we all possessed before, and RENEW your power to move your life in an positive direction.

Students with emotional needs and learning disabilities are supported by a highly trained staff of academic classroom teachers, teacher assistants, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, a school nurse, support and academic counselors, along with behavioral specialists. Students receive specialized instruction to ensure that all students achieve knowledge and skills necessary to live independent and self-directed lives.

Villa of Hope School is a NYS approved private 853 school created by Chapter 853 of the laws of 1976. The year round program incorporates academic, vocational, and remedial services for youth in our Residential Treatment Center, Residential Treatment Facility, and local school districts.

Mission & Vision

Welcome to Villa of Hope School!

Vision: Villa of Hope School will provide high quality, innovative educational and vocational programs to residential and community students, preparing them for college education and/or sustainable career employment in adulthood.

Mission: Villa of Hope School, accredited by NYS Education Department, provides specialized trauma-informed education to help students REBUILD relationships; RECOVER from trauma, mental illness, abuse and addiction; RENEW a hope for the future.

Values: Relationships based on Caring, Hope and Respect are the foundation of our efforts.


“Care to Learn, Learn to Care”

The Philosophy of Villa of Hope School

Villa of Hope School assists students in developing the self-regulation, communication, and independence skills necessary so that they can access education, return to less restrictive school placements when possible, and thrive safely in their communities and homes now and in the future.

Villa of Hope School was created to honor the unique lives, interests, talents, and strengths of students with social and emotional needs. Villa of Hope School exists to foster social and emotional development, academic growth, vocational exploration, and increased personal independence for students age 12-21.

Villa of Hope School uses the Sanctuary Model of care to promote positive and sustainable change for youth and families. Understanding the impact of trauma and chronic stress is emphasized so that care, treatment and services provide a safe learning environment for youth, while engaging families, employing quality staff, and partnering with the community.

Villa of Hope School honors the unique strengths, talents, and interests of those we work with. We design educational programming, field trips and community outings, clinical services, and social opportunities from a positive, strength based perspective which ensures an environment focused on caring, hope, and respect.

Our PBIS initiative provides a focus on:

Be Responsible

Be Respectful


Villa of Hope School promotes an interdisciplinary model of service and support. Daily communication between the educational, clinical, vocational, and support staff allows an individual’s daily success and needs, emerging interests, and areas for future skill-building to be addressed by the entire team.

Villa of Hope School is a NYSED  licensed private (non-public) special education school (853 Coalition School) for students with emotional needs. Villa of Hope School is an available option for school districts seeking an out-of-district placement.