Star Gazing with Mr. Dan Curtin

Mr. Curtin, TA

Over the weekend of September 27th to the 29th, teaching assistant Dan Curtin attended his third annual Black Forest Star Party at Cherry Springs State Park in Pennsylvania. Star parties give amateur as well as professional astronomers an opportunity to gathertogether to do what they love most, trade tips, equipment and experiences, and just have a great time. 2019 was the 21st annual such event held at the state park three hours due south of Rochester in the hills of Susquehannock State Forest, one of the darkestspots on the Eastern Seaboard. This year featured sparkling images of the constellation Orion, and quite a few shooting stars! Mr. Curtin encourages anyone with any interest in nature to try it some time, only $40 to register at

Thank you Mr. Curtin for inspiring the Scienctist in all of us!

Check out our Billboards!

Rise up Rochester sponsored a billboard competition. Three of our Villa of Hope students submitted designs…and now they are up for all of Rochester to see. We are so proud of them for their commitment and advocacy regarding violence and PEACE!

Thank you to our student winners, you have represented the Villa of Hope School so proudly. Continue to Dream Big, Take Risks, and Believe in YOURSELF and the power you have to change the world!



Apple Fest

Our annual Apple Fest is set for October 1, 2019 from 12:30 to 2:00. Join us for some fall fun, apple desserts, caramel apples for sale, and more.
We hope to see you at Villa of Hope School, in the conference room, as we celebrate the FALL Season!