Check out our Billboards!

Rise up Rochester sponsored a billboard competition. Three of our Villa of Hope students submitted designs…and now they are up for all of Rochester to see. We are so proud of them for their commitment and advocacy regarding violence and PEACE!

Thank you to our student winners, you have represented the Villa of Hope School so proudly. Continue to Dream Big, Take Risks, and Believe in YOURSELF and the power you have to change the world!



Apple Fest

Our annual Apple Fest is set for October 1, 2019 from 12:30 to 2:00. Join us for some fall fun, apple desserts, caramel apples for sale, and more.
We hope to see you at Villa of Hope School, in the conference room, as we celebrate the FALL Season!

Open House: October 3, 2019

The evening will begin with an informational meeting from 5-6 p.m. in the conference room. This is an opportunity for parents/guardians to share with Ms. Ward, Director of Education, you thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for improving our school. Then parents/guardians/cottage staff can follow the student schedule, attending mini informational classroom sessions for 7 minutes each. We will begin the morning homeroom at 6 p.m. and end the day with 8th period at 7 p.m. From 7-7:30 p.m. we will have an Open House Reception with refreshments in the gauntlet.

Please plan to join us on Thursday, October 3, 2019 for our Villa of Hope School Open House. We invite parent/guardians, cottage staff, and students to attend.

We look forward to hosting our families and students. See you here!

3 On 3 Basketball

It is bittersweet to see Mandell cottage close…but we know our residents at Mandell will be starting a new chapter in their lives, we are so proud of them.

Join us on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 1:15 p.m. in the Villa of Hope School Gymnasium. Teams are forming, practices underway, and good sportsmanship building as we speak. Support your team…support our students and staff!

Following the games…we will enjoy refreshments in celebration. See you there!

New York School Breakfast Day!

We are champions of breakfast at Villa of Hope School. Join us in celebrating school breakfast programs on September 25, 2019. We feature breakfast every morning, personally served by our curriculum specialists. On September 25, 2019 we will feature some different breakfast items to grab and go, along with giving our special sunglasses, pencils, cell phone card holders, and stickers.

Villa of Hope School is full of CHAMPIONS…now bringing awareness to New York State Breakfast Programs. #SchoolBreakfastNY!

Safe Zone

The Safe Zone Club is a group of clients and staff who meet every other week to teach and discuss ways to support and embrace our LGBTQ+ community.  We communicate within the Villa of Hope agency and outside in our community. We share experiences and communicate how allies of the LGBTQ+ can support our clients and staff.

Our vision is to teach and work together with staff and peers on appropriate ways to interact, give back to our community, and create a safe environment for our clients and staff.

We have hosted speakers to talk with our Safe Zone Club participants, we hold fundraisers annually to give back to the Center For Youth, and we have built stronger relationships within the Villa of Hope agency.

Our goal is to continue our program and to teach our clients and staff by sponsoring activities, hosting meetings, inviting speakers in, and leading open discussions.

We average 20 clients and 15 staff at each meeting, many of which also participated in the Pride Parade.

Come join us, everyone is welcome!