Start the Holiday Season with Villa of Hope School!
Welcome to our Villa of Hope School!
PBIS Defines our Villa of Hope School!
Our WBL Program is the Best!
Spirit Week next week…Villa of Hope Style!
Happy Halloween from the Villa of Hope!
Thank you to Quad 3 Teacher Assistants for making our hallway festive for Halloween!
Behavior Support-Dancing Machines!
Our own Chris O’Reilly!!!
Summer ESY is a RAP…
Our students had a successful summer school experience.
School Reopens on September 6, 2023, student will receive their schedules in Homeroom!
Check out Mr. Smith, Behavior Support…who knew!
Villa of Hope School Art is ready for Summer!
Check out our display…the work our students have done is truly amazing!
Thank you Amanda Ebert and Jasmine Week for your guidance and encouragement!