Spring Break 2021

Villa of Hope School will be closed the week of March 29th.

We will reopen on Monday, April 5, 2021.

Have a Safe and Enjoyable Break!

In Celebration of Black History Month…

Please join the Villa of Hope School and the Villa of Hope Agency in celebration…in awareness…and in advocacy! Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging is at the forefront of our dedication to make a difference and in demonstration of growth and change that will impact our school, our agency, our community…and the WORLD.

Together…We have the POWER to do This!

Valentine’s Day-Be our Villa of Hope School Valentine!

Come check out our Program…we specialize in providing a safe and healthy learning environment for students needing smaller class sizes; meaningful relationships with adults and peers; counseling and therapy; opportunities that include work based learning; a supportive environment that is accepting, encouraging, and non-judgmental; and multiple pathways to graduate.

We are currently offering a Hybrid Model during COVID. We have learned a lot during these unprecedented and challenging times. More to come…looking to offer a variety of ways to attend that best meets the needs of the student and their families. These may include…fully in-person, fully remote, hybrid attendance, and a self-paced classroom that features the newest technology.

Call us if you want to learn more, take our virtual tour, meet with us in-person with safe protocols in place…we are here to serve the youth in our communities looking for a safe and welcoming  alternative for school.

Kimberle Ward-(585) 865-1550, extension  758-Director of Education

Martin Luther King Jr.

January 18, 2021 honors the DREAM of Martin Luther King Jr.

My hope is that we can all be encouraged, on this day and everyday, to be kind to others. If we could all, throughout the world, ask this same question…What are you Doing For Others? – our world would be more tolerant of diversity, more inclusive, and share a belonging that will embrace change and produce a feeling of hope and optimism.

I challenge myself each day, and hope that you will too!

COVID 19 Yellow Zone

The Villa of Hope School has done an excellent job remaining healthy and safe.

Monroe County, due to the positivity rate above 4%, is now in a Yellow Zone. This requires us to begin testing 20% of our students, staff and teachers beginning the week of November 16, 2020. We are prepared and ready. Please find attached the featured article that features Dr. Mendoza demonstrating the test we will be using.


If you should have any questions, please reach out. Stay health and safe!

Black Lives Matter t-shirts; a Villa student initiative!

T-shirts are available in crew and V-neck styles, as well as long sleeve tees. They are available at https://villaofhope.org/buy-blm-shirts

During this past summer, the Villa launched a youth contest to design a t-shirt that would depict the Villa’s commitment to the Black Lives Matter movement. From among the amazing entries, a group of Villa staff helped to judge and select the finalist: Michelle, a Villa of Hope School senior this year.

Her winning entry depicts a dramatic silhouette of a black woman, with flowers in her hair, and typography reminiscent of the 60s peace movement, with the addition of the word “UNITY.” The shirt design has been enthusiastically received by our Villa family, as well as the community!

Meet Michelle

“I felt very hopeless before I attended the Villa, and I was often confused and worried about how I would get my school work done,” Michelle said recently. Her journey at the Villa now has given her great appreciation for the school’s support staff, and how they help her organize her day. She is optimistic and future-focused.

Michelle completed a Workforce Development internship with the Marketing Department this year.

Her artistic ability is unmistakable, and she has put together an impressive portfolio. She submitted her entry for the contest as a digital sketch, and then during her internship with the Villa’s Marketing Department, she was able to use professional software to remaster the art as a vector drawing, sreenprint-ready for t-shirt production.

Michelle now has a job in the community, as she heads toward graduation in 2021. She had not always envisioned herself graduating from high school; but now it is a solid goal for her, as well as pursuit of a college degree in art and science!

The Villa Store

Powered by Workforce Development youth with assistance from job coaches, the Villa will be fulfilling orders for the #BLM shirts on campus. Youth are currently working on organizing inventory, and learning about the shipping and handling process. All orders are accepted via our website, and you can order yours today at https://villaofhope.org/buy-blm-shirts!