Welcome Back to School!

School opens for professional development days with staff on September 3, 2019 and September 4, 2019. Students will begin the new school year on September 5, 2019.

We look forward to welcoming staff and students back to school.

Our theme will be to:




Together we can make a difference, one student at a time, one family at a time!

Meet and Greet, 8/12/19

Meet and Greet

Date: August 12, 2019

Time: 5:30 PM

Facilitator: Mrs. Ward, Director of Education

In Attendance

Mrs. Ward, Director of Education

Ms. Race, Assistant Principal

Ginger Calberg, Social Worker

Gavin Theofield, Social Worker

Ruth Swartswelder, Social Worker

Cheri King, Social Worker

Kerri Wemett, Social Worker

Twelve (12) Parent/Family Members

Mrs. Ward opened with introduction of all present.

Mrs. Ward shared the visual poster with the 12 talking points presented to the students in school. Each talking point described in detail with a focus on the goal of the meeting: Leave here tonight feeling we are all in this together.

Mrs. Ward shared the process leading up to tonight’s meeting since the start of her role as Director three weeks ago, inclusive of all staff.  Two team model with a focus on the following:

  1. Transitions
  2. Open Communication
  3. Teams
  4. Supports

Mrs. Ward shared the process in which students will be placed will be done strategically in collaboration with teams of staff to determine the fit most effective for each student. Priorities in order of:

  1. Safety needs
  2. Support and social/emotional needs
  3. Academic needs

Parent questions and conversation regarding the timing and the feeling that this process is being rushed, is this NYSED driven and questioning the need to hire more staff. Mrs. Ward assured transparency and the fact that she always does what is best for students and in keeping with the momentum combining the programs is the next step. NYSED has given direction to operate under the premise of one school and that this has been in the process for the past two years.

Parents collaboratively agreed that there has been a lack of communication regarding this over the past two years. Mrs. Ward reassured transparency and collaboration moving forward. Hiring staff will take place as necessitated to offer additional courses and provide additional social/emotional supports.

Parent questions and conversation regarding the program specifics and needs being met of the scholars rather than the adult. Mrs. Ward stated that the students within each program have been integrated already throughout the summer school. Safety and social/emotional needs are being met and strategic team placement will continue as we progress forward.

Parent concern and conversation regarding the loss of the Avalon “school”.  Mrs. Ward recognized the philosophy that students come 1st will remain the same and continual growth on the strengths of what the school already has in place.

Conversation regarding the home districts and CSE process and the Social Worker caseload changing. Mrs. Ward shared that all districts were made aware as well of programs integrating into one and offered to reach out personally if parents wanted her to.  SW caseloads will not change and the students they currently have will remain the same, small teams will remain in effect.

Parents asked for a more descriptive idea of the two team model. Mrs. Ward detailed the model:

  1. Separating staff throughout the building into teams to eliminate the extra transitions
  2. Team approach by floor
  3. Support staff will be placed throughout the building
  4. Students will be strategically scheduled by grade level and social/emotional needs

Parent questioned the following of current IEP’s.  Parents shared a current model in a public school that has a program built into the school that is specific to meeting the therapeutic needs of the students. Mrs. Ward stated that all IEP’s will continue to be followed and students needs will continue to be met with the integration of programs.

Parent shared that her son has been integrated this summer with other programs and has been very happy and successful. Other parents agreed that there are strengths in the integration of all three programs into one, however the timing is still of concern.  

Mrs. Ward shared a few of the comments made by students both positive as well as concerns during the student meetings. The idea of a student led group was acknowledged by Mrs. Ward and parents encouraged the idea as well.

All staff at the Villa of Hope receive TCI Training; there will also be refreshers and additional training provided.

Feedback: Ongoing / what type? Discussion led to schedule another meeting with families/parents a few weeks into the school year. Mrs. Ward will coordinate.

Social Workers will communicate with parents the class groupings once they are established. Mrs. Ward shared her cell phone number encouraging contact with any questions/comments/discussion at any time.

6:50 PM Meeting Adjourned