Thank you to the Knighthawks for visiting on December 9th. We cannot wait to have you back in the Spring for a Clinic. Good Luck this Season!
Reading is Key…there is a Latte Reading happening at VOH!
Such Creativity this Holiday Season…Check out our Doors!
Current News…Villa of Hope School Style!
Work Based Learning Rocks…Career Focused!
Happy Holidays!
Our Villa of Hope Chorus!
Under the direction of Madhumita Sen…Students and Staff joined in Holiday Songs from Around the World. The solos were fantastic! Thank you all for joining us on Thursday, December 1, 2022!
Thank you, Barnes and Noble…
Check out the Art Work displayed…
Villa of Hope at Greece Ridge Mall on Thursday, 12/1!
Join us in the Pittsford Barnes and Noble on Saturday, 12/3 from 9-1, see you there!
Barnes and Noble Fund Raiser
Please consider Supporting our Villa of Hope School!
Flyer has the code for online shopping through December 5, 2022!